Privacy and cooky Policy takes responsibility for each client's privacy and carries out everything they need to protect the customer's information. Our privacy policy is designed to better understand how to protect data and how to care for it. Your privacy is important to us. It is in our interest that your experience on the Internet is as enjoyable as possible and that you can use the wide range of opportunities on the Internet with complete security. This privacy policy has been restored on the date at the bottom of the page at the words "last changes".

Personal information collected by and its purpose

We collect information from the visitors of the website who fill in the communication form and purchase an item. We only collect personal information to provide our services or for our team to be able to contact our clients. There are no conditions where we would maliciously pass on this information to third parties. SIA CTG Group and its property will not sell, lend or otherwise allow the use of accumulated contact lists (customer data) to third parties.

Since goods are suitable for end-consumers but are also available for purchase to legal entities, personal information classification may not be limited to name, email address, phone number, address, or other personal information that visitors record in the forms above mentioned in the forms mentioned above Or If you have left your contact information (including personal data), we can use this information to contact you by phone, e-mail or other forms of communication. Communication may be related to marketing goals.

Cookies and their use

Our privacy policy applies to cookies and similar technologies. What are cookies? This is a small amount of information stored on your computer, tablet browser or mobile device while visiting the website. Whenever you visit the site, cookies are sent from your computer to their creation website that recognizes this cookie.

The following cookies are used on our website: technical, analytical, functional and advertising. Technical Cookies: We try to offer users a  time-friendly and efficient website that automatically adapts to your needs. We use technical cookies to achieve this goal and make the website work. Cookies are definitely needed for the appropriate functioning of our websites.

Functional cookies: We use them to remember your choices and to help you use our website as productively as possible, for example, by remembering your previously selected item. These functional cookies are definitely not necessary for the appropriate functioning of our website, but they are useful to the user as they improve their experience.

Analytical Cookies: We use them to make a preview of how users use our website to find out what works, and what does not work, so we can improve the website and ensure that the goods we offer are interesting and suitable. We register data like your viewed websites, your attributed / exit pages from which you came from and where you have lingered, the type of platform you use, the date/time information and information on the number of mouse clicks. We also use analytical cookies in our advertising campaigns on the Internet to find out how our users use the website after seeing our ad on the Internet (they can also be on the third-party advertising website), but we will not be able to identify you and register only anonymous information.

Advertising cookies: We use them to show you personalized ads on our and other websites.

How to confirm, disable or delete cookies? When you visit our website, you will see an agreement button on the use of cookies. By pressing the consent button, you confirm that you are familiar with the information regarding cookies, and their use. To disable cookies, activate the browser setting that allows you to cancel all or some cookie settings, however, if you use your browser settings to disable all cookies, incl. Technical cookies, you may not be able to access all sections. Additional information on how to manage cookie menus can be found in the relevant browsers: Internet Explorer; Chrome; Firefox; Safari; Opera and others.

Changes in Privacy Policy

SIA CTG Group reserves the right to rewrite and change the privacy policy, as well as any other information found on this website by updating the content sections.

When using this website, you agree to all of the rules and the changes made. We will publish any changes in our privacy policy here. Please check this page regularly.

If you have questions about Privacy Policy, contact us by writing to [email protected] or calling: (+371) 20219410.

Last changes: 17/05/2022.